Friday, April 17, 2009

Travel Agent or Tour Guide?

I recently finished Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger (and, yes, I realize I am probably late to this particular party). The book was skim-worthy and overly colloquial for my tastes, but I found myself repeatedly nodding my head. I might not embrace the answers they propose in their case studies, but they push church leaders to ask the right questions: What do I expect "disciples" to look like in my congregation, and what process will help people become disciples?

Rather than offer a full review of the book (I'm sure many thorough reviews have already appeared since the book was published in 2006), I'd just like to relate one convicting metaphor:

"There is a major difference between a travel agent and a tour guide. . . . A travel agent spouts out intellectual information, hands you some brochures, and smiles. A travel agent tells you to enjoy the journey. 'Nice to meet you. Enjoy the trip.' A tour guide is different. . . . Unlike the travel agent who hands you a brochure, he goes with you on the journey. 'Nice to meet you. Get in. Let's go.'

"People need spiritual tour guides. They have had plenty of spiritual travel agents. Be a tour guide through the process of spiritual transformation in your church. Take people on a journey with you."

As church leaders, we must constantly ask ourselves if we are telling people to enjoy the journey or joining them on it. Does my ministry consist of brochure making or actual trekking?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

On the Occasion of a New Birth

Like lightning in the humid night sky
Blessing flashes brightly in a moment
And gratitude swells and rolls
Like thunder rumbling below the stars.

Thank you thank you thank you
For sending your rain on the righteous
And the wicked.